

We’ve design hundreds of high-converting coaching and wellness websites every year and while all of the pages on your website are very important, the biggest mistake we see is a neglected contact page. You know that the purpose of your website is to tell the visitors (aka potential leads) exactly what you do, how you […]


Ready for the secret formula to building an intentional, scalable and sustainable business? Is there anything scarier than staying stagnant in your business? We truly believe that if you’re not growing your business or growing as a business owner, you’re missing out on your fullest potential. It’s possible to have the business of your dreams […]


Say goodbye to the days of burnout and hello to the days of boundaries. Can we be straight-forward with you for a second? You cannot scale your business if you do not set clear boundaries.  As an agency and team of five, we all desire a well-balanced life and it’s incredibly important to our culture […]

Post Index

4 Templates for Designers to Level-Up Your Client Experience

Business, Web Design

Hey designer, do you feel confident about your work but struggle with the technical side of running your business? Think: the systems and processes of working with a client, presenting proposals, staying organized throughout the project, communicating efficiently with your clients.  We have just the tools for you! These four Design Process Templates will establish […]

3 Reasons Why Showit is The Best Platform for Coaches

Marketing, Web Design

Decisions, decisions. As our world becomes more digital and entrepreneurs move their businesses online, they are faced with this question: “what website platform is best for me?” Gone are the days when WordPress was the only option. Today there are tons of options for website platforms, which can make the decision-making process overwhelming for business […]

Custom Brand and Showit Website Design for Krystle Church

Branding, Web Design

Krystle Church is the embodiment of building a business around your dream life. Knowing and working alongside her through her brand growth has been so inspirational and grounding. So much so, that some of what I’ve learned from her I’ve implemented into how we run things here at Current (hello summer Friday’s ). Since we […]

The Best Online Platforms for Coaches and Wellness Businesses

Marketing, Web Design

We don’t just design brands and websites for health + wellness businesses, we’re on their team to help them create a seamless online businesses that books more clients online. Your website should serve as your best sales person, and after working with hundreds of coaches and wellness businesses, we have discover four of our favorite […]

5 Pillars of a High-Converting Website

Podcast, Web Design

It’s one thing to have a beautifully designed website, but if it doesn’t function properly and it doesn’t convert casual website visitors into clients, then it doesn’t matter. These five pillars to a high-converting website are tried and true, after doing hours of intense market research (everything from Facebook Polls, to Instagram Lives, to going […]

What Website Platform Is Right For Me?

Business, Podcast, Web Design

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of deciding which website platform is right for you and your business? Lucky for you, over the years I’ve built websites on many different platforms and I’m going to break down the top website platforms and the pros and cons for each. Get ready for the nitty gritty on […]