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Top 5 Important Components That Impact Business Growth


Ready for the secret formula to building an intentional, scalable and sustainable business?

Is there anything scarier than staying stagnant in your business? We truly believe that if you’re not growing your business or growing as a business owner, you’re missing out on your fullest potential. It’s possible to have the business of your dreams and be an exceptional CEO, but there are a few fundamental pieces you have to know, understand and implement in order to achieve that. 

Business growth happens from the bottom and works up. It happens internally. It happens behind the scenes. It happens once you have a solid foundation. Your idea of business growth looks different from mine, from your colleagues, from every other business owner but, no matter what business growth looks like to you, these foundational components will help get you to that next level of growth.

Growing a business can be overwhelming. There are so many distractions, suggestions, ideas, and challenges that it’s easy to lose sight of your own mission, goal, and trajectory. When you have a strong infrastructure, a strong core understanding of your business and a clear focus on where your energy needs to be, that’s when real and sustainable growth occurs.

These are the Top 5 important components that impact business growth:

01. A brand strategy that defines your business at its core.

At Current Design Studio, we take all of our clients through this process to discover and refine their values, purpose, story, messaging, unique value proposition, ideal clients, goals, and keywords. Once we establish these key foundational pieces to their business we can develop a unique brand rooted in purpose. Check out a one our latest brand designs for our client, Dr. Christie Kederian → 

02. Long and short term goals with a clear action plan.

If you don’t have any goals established, then you won’t really accomplish anything in your business. You have to know where you’re going in order to achieve the business of your dreams. Create a 6 month, 1 year, 5 years and 10 year goal and action plan to accompany each of the goals. 

03. Streamlined systems that intentionally promote scalability.

Think established processes, templates, automations, SOP’s, removing the CEO from day-to-day. Which of these can you focus on and improve? 

04. Client retention focus with a lifetime services suite.

Your clients or customers are the heart of your business, therefore you should think out of the box on how you can serve them beyond their initial purchase, interaction, etc. Look for opportunities that support your clientele as they continue to grow, as well as, streamlined processes and emphasis on relationship building. 

05. Strong leadership.

Enough said. Empower your team from the inside out. If you’re new to leadership or looking to build your team tune into this podcast episode for insight. 

Think through each one of these components and make plans to focus on the ones that need work and your undivided focus. Maybe you have really strong streamlined systems in place, but you don’t have a clear brand strategy. Start focusing on these five key elements of your business and you’ll see the growth you’ve been wanting to see from day one.

P.S. Designers, if you’re needing support with your design process, grab our FREE GUIDE on elevating your design process.

March 25, 2022