
We represent the slightly obsessive, mission-driven, "no plan B" entrepreneurs who are changing the world.

(that's us too).

Our purpose is to help

We are Current: an impact-driven, female-led design studio for coaching, wellness, and luxury hospitality brands. Think of us as an extension of your team, your creative BFF’s. We’re the kindred spirits who back your passion and happen to have the skills to spark an evolution. We understand the importance of growing your impact and believe in what you do - we get you.

Our story starts and ends with genuine human connection and the drive to unapologetically going after your dreams.

get seen and expand their impact.

impact-driven businesses

Our purpose is to help impact-driven businesses get seen and expand impact.

Hi, I'm Olivia.
The founder of Current. 

I was the little girl who bossed around my brothers, got lost in playtime, asked a lot of questions and made marks on the walls from doing handstands.  Although I grew up in a “traditional” family unit, I did have a bit of a non-traditional upbringing living in multiple states around the US and in Singapore, opening up my experiences to different cultures, traditions and people. The idea that there was more to life than my immediate circle helped shape everything I believe in today.

This is my story.

Even though I am a confident extrovert, I still spent most of my early adulthood floating from one of society’s boxes to another. 

I changed my major multiple times (too creative, too ambitious, too too too) graduating college with more questions than answers. My sense of adventure led me to booking a one way ticket to California after college. I landed a job in corporate and by society's standards I was "living the dream", by my standards I was miserable.

After two years, I woke up one day and physically could not get myself to go into work. The constant nagging in the back of my head saying “there’s got to be more” had become too strong, so I had to make a change. 

I quit my job that day. I had no plan and no idea what I was doing, but my soul craved an adventurous and creative life of freedom - so I did just that. As a self-taught designer and entrepreneur, this journey has been filled with trial and error and figuring out what works best for me, while helping and inspiring others along the way. 


Our creative process transforms your vision into the online presence that will make you

everything we do embodies these 4 principles:





Our expertise lies in taking your ideas and simplifying them for a beautiful brand that's easy to connect with, as well as, maximize efficiency of your online platform. Think: streamlined for website, social, email and more!



We're serious when we say we're yourr creative BFF's. The reason our client results are so high, is because we connect with YOU, your mission, your vision and bring it to life to connect with your audience.







As a vessel for those who are changing people's lives, we ensure your impact is infused into every detail of your online home. It is our legacy to help those who help others spread their impact.





We're creating a brand that aligns with your current brand, BUT also will grow with you as your business grows. We do this through comprehensive deep-dive into your goals and business trajectory.

We're here to tell your story.

Are you ready?