Is your Coaching website designed to convert?
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5 Pillars of a High-Converting Website


It’s one thing to have a beautifully designed website, but if it doesn’t function properly and it doesn’t convert casual website visitors into clients, then it doesn’t matter. These five pillars to a high-converting website are tried and true, after doing hours of intense market research (everything from Facebook Polls, to Instagram Lives, to going through multiple online courses and Googling like crazy).

You might be surprised to hear that these five pillars of a high-converting website have nothing to do with fonts, mood boards, and your site’s overall design. We’re going to explore the importance of positioning, so you can make sales happen! Let’s get to it.

The good, the bad and the woo-woo

The Good: It’s finally starting to warm up in New England! My boyfriend and I live on a lake house (something we manifested last year), but we’ve only lived here during the winter, so I’m excited for it to be summer.

The Bad: The situation that’s happening in the world with COVID-19 is terrible, but it has allowed me to dive super deep into what matters. I’ve been watching less TV and spending more time working on my relationship. 

The Woo-Woo: I participated in a global meditation! Typically I meditate by myself, and while this experience was no different, I felt the collective energy of sharing this moment with thousands of others. 

The five pillars of a high-converting website

01. It’s clear what services you provide.

In the midst of all of my market research, I conducted a poll where I asked, “What’s the first page you go to when you visit someone’s website?” I found out that Services was the common response! If someone is following you on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, and they find value in what you’re sharing, they’ll probably hop over to your website to learn more.

Make sure it is crystal clear what services you provide, and I only recommend offering 2-3 services tops, including at least one high-ticket offer. Each service should have its own sales page. This is the biggest mistake you could make: either having too many services, or not being clear enough in what you offer.

02. It’s clear what results you’re going to achieve for your ideal client.

Does your potential client or customer know what results you’re going to provide them by looking at your website? They should see the potential for a powerful transformation.

Have a tagline or a mission statement at the top of your website that supports the services you will ultimately provide your ideal client.

03. It’s clear that you’ve done this before.

Social proof goes a long way! Client testimonials are everything, especially video testimonials. Try to get 2-3 powerful ones. If someone is investing in a high-ticket offer, they want to know that you’ve done this before and have the results to prove it.

Testimonials can be shared on blog posts, marketing materials, your website, email copy, etc. They can be repurposed in many different ways.

If you’re a coach, I recommend having a blog post or a podcast that focuses solely on your own personal journey of transformation and how you did it. This will create a deeper connection between you and your ideal client.

04. A clear call to action.

I can’t stress enough how important a clear call to action is.

Think of your website as a house. Your homepage is the home, and there are different “rooms” for your About Page, your Services Page, your Blog, etc. Make sure each page serves one clear call to action with as few clicks as possible.

05. State your process clearly.

On your landing pages for services, programs, or offers, you should clearly state the process of what working with you is actually like and what your client can expect. Be sure to specify exactly what is included in your program or service.

Think of any possible question that is in your ideal client’s head, and make sure you’re addressing those questions within the copy of your sales page!

I hope these tips are helpful and inspire you to make some micro changes to your website that will produce meaningful results.

Notable quote:

“Your website should serve as the best salesperson on your team.”

Links/resources mentioned:

Ideal Client Workbook

The 5 Most Important Elements to Your Coaching Website

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Are you ready to make an impact and illuminate your purpose with a beautiful brand design or an all-inclusive, custom website? Grab one of the final branding spots for April. Or send me a DM!
All of our plug-and-play website templates are on sale for 50% off! I want to help you transform your business during these challenging times. No code is necessary – the discount will be automatically applied!

April 8, 2020