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Template vs. Custom Website – Which is Right for You?


When the Current Design Studio team jumps on a discovery call with potential new clients, they tell us their hopes and dreams for their new website. They have the vision but either aren’t entirely sure what building a custom website entails, or they aren’t aware of how to utilize a website template by customizing it themselves. 

As a website designer, these steps are second nature, but it’s our responsibility to make sure that you (the client or customer) know the difference between a website template and a custom website,  including which one is best for you and the stage of business you’re in. 

The decision comes down to two major factors: budget and time.

About Website templates

If you want a new website up quickly and for less investment, purchasing a website template is the best option for you. Typically we find our template shop customers are at earlier stages in their business and are still experimenting with their positioning in the online space. At any stage of business it’s pertinent to your growth to have a website, so a template is a great way to have a present yourself as professional to potential clients and your audience.

Benefits of a website template

01. Best for emerging entrepreneurs

If you’re still developing your business and are experimenting with your positioning and brand strategy, then a template is perfect for you! A website is very important to legitimizing your business, establishing you as a professional and making it easy for potential customers to work with you, but it doesn’t need to break the bank. A website template is a great way to have a beautiful online presence while you are still building your business.

02. Faster to market

If you’re in a rush to get something up online, then a website template is perfect for you. While a custom brand and website takes around 3-4months, some of our template shop customers have launched their websites in less than 1 week! Website templates are set up for you to go in and just plug and play your information, meeting the heavy lifting is already done for you. All you have to do is add in your copy, replace the photos and update the color and fonts (only if you want to!).

03. More budget-friendly

Since you’re doing everything by yourself and there’s not a design team doing everything for you, a website template is much more budget-friendly. For example, our website templates start at $597, where our custom design services start at $9,000. At a fraction of the cost of custom design, a website template is created for newer entrepreneurs to have a beautiful online presence that fit into their business plan.

To sum up, if you’re an emerging entrepreneur that wants to get a website up and running quickly and on a tighter budget, website templates are perfect for you! Website templates are not a permanent online solution for your business. Once you’re more established and ready to take it to the next level, it’s time to invest in custom design.

About custom design

As your business grows, and you are ready to elevate your business as a whole that sets you apart from your competitors and infuses your messaging into every piece of content, then it’s time to invest in custom brand and website design.

You know you’re ready for custom brand and website when you’ve outgrown your DIY’d branding (aka you’re sick of using random fonts on Canva), you have establish programs and services that WORK, yet people are still sliding into your DM’s asking questions (why are they so confused??) and your current online positioning just doesn’t reflect who you are and your 7-figure CEO self.

If you want to build a solid foundation for your brand and position yourself as an authority in your space, then it’s time for custom brand and website design.

Benefits of  Custom Website Design:

01. Best for brands ready for massive growth

Is this your year? Like really… does this year just feel different? Like you’re ready to spread your impact, make a lot of money and be an authority in your space? Then custom design is for you. By building a brand with a solid foundation, you infuse your messaging into every visual which creates raving fans and turns your audience into (high) paying clients.

02. Designed specifically for you

Feel like you see the same thing on Instagram all the time? When you invest in custom design, everything is just that – custom! Your messaging, personality, values, mission, everything is infused into every single detail in your brand and to make you create a cult-brand that has you stand out from your competitors.

03. You stay in your genius zone

When you’re leveling up your business as a whole, you know how important it is to trust the experts and there’s something to be said about trusting the experts in their space and investing in your business smartly – custom design is one of those areas. If you don’t have time to think about anything but client work and creating content, and your website is taking the backburner, 2 things are happening. 1, you’re leaving money on the table and 2, it’s time to outsource to the experts. While you are running your business, we are doing everything you need to launch your new brand website, literally everything! You get to stay in your genius zone and we stay in ours making for an easy brand build and a successful launch.

After reading the benefits, which new website option speaks more to you and where you currently stand with your business? 

The good news is you can work with Current Design Studio either way! 

We’ve just relaunched our template shop and have GORGEOUS new website templates that allow you to plug and play so can add the branding and photos that best represent who you are.  

If you’re an emerging entrepreneur and aren’t quite ready to make the big investment in your business yet but you LOVE our style, aesthetic, and previous work – our website templates will be a total game changer for you and your online presence! Browse all templates here

On the flip side, are you ready for massive growth? Let’s jump on a discovery call and we can chat about your vision for the new branding and website! The investment is worth every penny and your business deserves a face lift. Jump in here

March 4, 2022