

We’ve design hundreds of high-converting coaching and wellness websites every year and while all of the pages on your website are very important, the biggest mistake we see is a neglected contact page. You know that the purpose of your website is to tell the visitors (aka potential leads) exactly what you do, how you […]


Ready for the secret formula to building an intentional, scalable and sustainable business? Is there anything scarier than staying stagnant in your business? We truly believe that if you’re not growing your business or growing as a business owner, you’re missing out on your fullest potential. It’s possible to have the business of your dreams […]


Say goodbye to the days of burnout and hello to the days of boundaries. Can we be straight-forward with you for a second? You cannot scale your business if you do not set clear boundaries.  As an agency and team of five, we all desire a well-balanced life and it’s incredibly important to our culture […]

Post Index

2019 Business Bucketlist Ideas

2019 business goals


2019 Business Bucketlist Ideas As you are preparing your goals for 2019, we thought it would be fun to give some business goal ideas, both large and small, you might want to work towards in the new year! These are a compilation of our ideas and others in our community. Share with us your 2019 […]

Why Your Brand isn’t Attracting the Right Clients


Why Your Brand isn’t Attracting the Right Clients You have the passion, a great business idea and you care SO MUCH about your service or product, but you just don’t seem to bringing in the right clients. Does this sound like you? You might be frustrated sitting at your desk making small tweaks to your […]

3 Ways To Set Up Your Home Office For Prosperity


3 Ways To Set Up Your Home Office For Prosperity Your home office is probably the room you spend most of your time in other than your bed when you’re sleeping. Because of this, your home office or space you work in, should be a sacred place that allows creativity and inspiration to flow freely. […]

Glow and Go website Launch


Glow and Go is an online platform where you can get true information about beauty by a licensed esthetician with more than 10 years of experience. All of the products on here are tried & true by Stacy Streeter, who wanted to create a platform where you can get the best products for your skin. […]

5 Must Have Components For Your About Page

Web Design

5 Must Have Components For Your About Page Writing about yourself can arguably be the hardest thing to do. How far do you go back? What do I share? How do I get to the point? How do I make a connection? One major thing I’ve learned from designing websites is that the more copy, […]

Why I switched from SquareSpace to Showit

Why I switched my website from SquareSpace to Showit

Web Design

Why I switched my website from SquareSpace to Showit Since I started my business my website has gone from Wix to WordPress to SquareSpace to Showit, and while all of those platforms are amazing for many different reasons, but Showit so far has been my favorite. If you’ve been DIY-ing your website or are looking […]