

We’ve design hundreds of high-converting coaching and wellness websites every year and while all of the pages on your website are very important, the biggest mistake we see is a neglected contact page. You know that the purpose of your website is to tell the visitors (aka potential leads) exactly what you do, how you […]


Ready for the secret formula to building an intentional, scalable and sustainable business? Is there anything scarier than staying stagnant in your business? We truly believe that if you’re not growing your business or growing as a business owner, you’re missing out on your fullest potential. It’s possible to have the business of your dreams […]


Say goodbye to the days of burnout and hello to the days of boundaries. Can we be straight-forward with you for a second? You cannot scale your business if you do not set clear boundaries.  As an agency and team of five, we all desire a well-balanced life and it’s incredibly important to our culture […]

Post Index

The Impact of Meditation, Mindfulness, and Manifestation on Your Business

Business, Podcast, Wellness

The vision for Current Design Studio came to me in the midst of my 200-hour yoga teacher training. Hands down, those 3 months were the pivotal transformation that inspired the life and business I have now.  If you’re feeling a little stuck, I can tell you one thing for sure: the answers you are seeking […]

8 Health Resources to Combat Quarantine from Our Clients


Everything in this article you can do at home and 6 feet away from your neighbor – enjoy! As a designer for coaches and wellness businesses, my clients are doing some pretty amazing things right now and stepping up to serve others during this pandemic. I am always so proud to help those who help […]

5 Tips to Making Friends in a New City


May 7, 2019 It’s no secret that I’ve moved around a lot in my short 26 years on this planet, but whether you move with family, friends or alone (which I’ve done 3 times now), it’s always a challenge to put yourself out there and well, make friends. As someone who puts themselves out there […]

What are oracle cards and how do I use them?


If you follow me on instagram you’ve probably seen my stories of these beautifully illustrated cards with affirmations on them. Originally, I got these oracle cards because I was searching for some guidance in helping make some big decisions in my life and also add a more intuitive practice to my daily rituals. I truly believe that if […]