

We’ve design hundreds of high-converting coaching and wellness websites every year and while all of the pages on your website are very important, the biggest mistake we see is a neglected contact page. You know that the purpose of your website is to tell the visitors (aka potential leads) exactly what you do, how you […]


Ready for the secret formula to building an intentional, scalable and sustainable business? Is there anything scarier than staying stagnant in your business? We truly believe that if you’re not growing your business or growing as a business owner, you’re missing out on your fullest potential. It’s possible to have the business of your dreams […]


Say goodbye to the days of burnout and hello to the days of boundaries. Can we be straight-forward with you for a second? You cannot scale your business if you do not set clear boundaries.  As an agency and team of five, we all desire a well-balanced life and it’s incredibly important to our culture […]

Post Index

How Tailwind Doubled My Income in One Month


  You’ve heard the buzz about Pinterest and how you should be using it for your business, but you’re not exactly how. Pinterest, really? I use Pinterest to find cute outfit inspirations and design my dream home, how can it help my business? Well, let me tell you first hand that Pinterest DOES help your […]

5 Simple Habits to Living in the Present Moment


  When we’re busy going from one thing to another it’s easy for the little moments of each day to pass by us, which leads to days, then weeks and eventually a whole month has gone by that you can barely remember. So how do we NOT allow the business of life take away the […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Search Engine Optimization


  Search Engine Optimization is defined as the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about the importance of SEO and have either been confused, intrigued or… […]

Is your coaching business ready for a rebrand?


When you first set out on your coaching business venture, you were sitting in your small home office (maybe the kitchen table?), working into the wee hours of the night hoping to just get one client you can help to change their life. You friend that took a graphic design class in college made you […]

How to Prep for Travel as a Solopreneur


  As I was preparing for my trip to Asia, the most important thing for me was to make sure I wasn’t jeopardizing my business. Being a new business owner, there’s still a lot that i’m learning and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t sacrificing my client’s businesses by going on vacation. This is […]

Opportunities Entrepreneurship Has Given Me


  Entrepreneurs start their businesses or create their products because they felt like the world was missing something and they didn’t want to sit around and wait for someone else to do it. For me, being an entrepreneur has provided me with so much more than a business and as I prep for my 3 […]