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3 Essential Elements Of A Website Contact Page


We’ve design hundreds of high-converting coaching and wellness websites every year and while all of the pages on your website are very important, the biggest mistake we see is a neglected contact page.

You know that the purpose of your website is to tell the visitors (aka potential leads) exactly what you do, how you can help them, the next step is making it as easy as possible for them to contact you. The contact page is one of the most important pages because it’s the one that converts a website visitor into your community, so you want to make it intuitive for your potential clients to get in touch with you. After years in the industry, tons of research and many successful custom websites built we are sharing three key elements that your website needs on its contact page in order to convert.

3 essential elements of a website contact page:

01. Make your email visible

We love a beautiful contact form that easily sends leads to one place, BUT the truth is some people just want to shoot you an email. Adding your email to the website page increases your chances of being reached for those who prefer direct email communication. Just incase they don’t fill out your contact form, provide an email!

02. Add your social links

Maybe someone isn’t ready for a discovery call or to inquire about your services just yet. Encourage them to stay in touch by adding links to your social media pages. Additionally, if someone has completed the form, they most likely also want to stay connected with you! The social links are important to keep the touch points going.

03. Include a simple contact form and/or booking calendar:

Don’t ask for medical history, just get their contact information! Ask the simple questions, along with a few that are industry specific & then hit submit. ** Additional: location, phone number – if you’re in hospitality, please put your phone number & where you’re located! People like to call to make appointments (🙋🏼‍♀️) & see how far you are.

Does your contact page follow these guidelines? Does your website convert? We work with wellness brands, luxury hospitality brands and coaches to build brands and websites that lead to more people completing your contact form, therefore more leads, clients and revenue. You can check out our contact form here for inspiration or to book a discovery call with our studio!

May 27, 2022