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Our Top 5 Website Must Haves


It goes without saying that if you want to have a successful business online, you must have a beautiful website. BUT, not just a beautiful website, a high-converting website that captures and engages with every visitor that comes to your site and eventually turns them into a paying client.

UGH, so much to think about!

Don’t worry, since helping dozens of health & wellness businesses to create websites that are both beautiful AND convert to sales (learn more about our services here), I wanted to share with you Our Top 5 Website Must Haves.

Download the workbook version of this blog post here! There are some ideas and examples to help you update your website in there.

01. Mission Statement

Immediately when someone comes onto your site they should know exactly who you are, what you do and how you can help them and then it should be the main topic that goes throughout your website.

Mission Statement Formula:

Company name does what you do for ideal client that desired outcome.

For example, Current Design Studio designs brands & websites for health & wellness businesses that illuminate their impact online.

02. Your Picture

It sounds crazy, but when someone makes eye contact with you (even if it’s through a computer screen) they feel more connected to you and more likely to trust you. People want to know the person behind the business and who they might be working with.

If you don’t have professional brand photos, it’s okay to use stock photos (credited), but at least have one photo of you looking directly at the camera. Everyone has a phone these days, so ask your mom, boyfriend, dad, roommate, whoever to take at least one photo of you to have on your site.

Click here to read the Dos & Don’ts of Website Photos

03. Your Packages

This seems obvious, but so often I go to websites and I’m so lost at what it is that they do and how I can work with them. Especially if you’re an online coach of some sort, you need to have an exact layout about what your program includes, who it is for and what the first step we need to take is.

Your visitor needs to be able to picture what it would be like to work with you and exactly what to expect when working with you. Think about if you and 5 of your competitors were standing next to each other in a room and you are all trying to convince someone to work with you. What is it that you want you ideal client to know? Why is your program better than someone elses?

This is how you need to think about your website. Your visitor is probably shopping around for other people to work with just like you, so let them know what to expect when working with you!

04. Email Opt In

An email opt in is a great way to invite visitors into your tribe. Rather than them just coming to your website, poking around and leaving, you want them to engage with your business so they get invested in your business and can learn more about the services you have to offer.

Create an email opt in that is relevant with what your high ticket offer is so your visitor can get a taste of what it would be like to work with you. Your email opt in can be in a download form, email course, videos or audio – it doesn’t have to be just a PDF format.

W H Y I T ’ S I M P O R T A N T :

Social media is a great way to market your business, but what if all the sudden social media disappears? You have no way of getting in touch with your followers. An email opt in gives you direct access to people who are already invested in your business (because they subscribed & downloaded), so you can tell them why they should work with you when it goes straight to their inbox.

05. Call to Action

What is it that you want people to do when they get to your site? If you are a service based business owner (which I’m guessing you are), it’s probably going to be to contact you. There should be a button on every single page to your website asking people to contact you.

It might sound aggressive, but we have things telling us to do things all day long, so it’s not enough to just have it in the navigation. Your call to action button should be large, a different color and consistently in your visitors face on every page of your website.

April 22, 2019

Easily customizable Showit website templates for modern coaches

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