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Health Industry Trends to Watch in 2021 for Wellness Entrepreneur‪s‬


Over the last few years, trailblazers in the wellness space have innovated the way the population views health and have continued to expand healthcare access to people everywhere, increasing the Health and Wellness industry by 6% at least every year making it now a $4.2 trillion market. Now, these growing trends have boomed exponentially and are predicted to not only stay, but are changing the way wellness-focused businesses provide their services.

Fitness studios, gyms, doctors and healers alike got creative in how they’re servicing the high-demand of their customers who are stuck at home and wanting to take control of their health. We saw affordable on-demand workouts everywhere, online counseling sessions become more accessible and people influenced by trendsetters to prioritize living well every day.

So what does this mean for you, wellness entrepreneur? As the appeal for your consumers to take charge of their health continues to increase, it’s important to innovate the way you offer your services to meet them where they’re at. A lot of the routines accumulated over this last year are here to stay and can be built upon to expand your business.

In this episode, I’m sharing health and wellness industry trends to watch in 2021 for wellness entrepreneurs.

Listen to the episode now:


  • A new convergence between healthcare and wellness (according to the global wellness summit)
  • Virtual Fitness is here to stay. According to MBG, 47% of Americans do a virtual workout at least 1/week.
    • 37% of Americans say their workouts are 30 minutes or less
  • Touchless spa services – cryotherapy, saunas, IV drips, salt caves, etc.
  • Taking wellness into their own hands – 56% of Americans say they’re prioritizing their Health & Wellness this year when they haven’t before.
  • Mental Health Awareness/Wellness communities
  • Food as medicine – building your body’s immunity and taking it into your own hands
  • Telehealth

January 27, 2021