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Living Outside of the Box with Brittany Tucker


In my opinion, the most common characteristic of entrepreneurs is their drive to pave their own path. We saw the box that society had made for us and were like “nah, i’m good” and literally MADE our own life out of passion and a drive for life. And this is what I’m chatting about today with the amazing Brittany Tucker. Brittany is a life coach and motivational speaker who empowers women to ditch society’s checklist so they  can fully step into the woman they were created to be. In this episode we talk about being the “all-american girl” and then quitting corporate to travel the world, how to discover what truly makes you happy and embodying that every day, different types of self-care and rest, and that it’s okay to change your mind. I’m SO excited for you to listen to this episode, Brittany truly embodies the essence of a motivational speaker and can’t wait for you to dive in!

Listen to the episode now:


  • Why to increase your prices
  • When is the “right time” to increase price
  • How to increase your prices

May 20, 2021