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Must have systems to scale your small business

Systems 101: How to streamline, implement & scale your business


Finally!! The episode you have all been waiting and asking me for since the day I started this podcast – implementing systems to scale. I talk about this all the time, but I’ve never dedicated a full episode or blog post or mini training specifically to implementing quick, easy and effective systems to scale your business. I’m covering why you need systems, the areas to develop systems in your business right now no matter if you started yesterday or three years ago, and my top resources and tools to implement these systems. It’s a jam packed episode that’s stocked with value and action steps, per usual, so let’s get to it!

Good, bad, woo-woo


I am headed to South Carolina this weekend for some much needed time off with my boyfriend and best friend. I’ll be taking two days off, but luckily the systems I have in place allow Current to continue to run and not blow up while I’m gone. 


I’ve been super into adaptogens and started making my own elixirs to have in the morning. The one that’s been brewing has taken 5 weeks and it’s finally done. Does not taste good, but it’s good for you and I made it. 

Quick Announcements 

Next month (August), we’re launching new services that will range for all wellness businesses and price ranges. I’m super excited to have these new services and be able to reach more people, so keep your eye out! We’re also launching 6 new templates to go in the template collection.

Implementing Systems to streamline & scale your biz

Why it’s important 

  • Saves time
  • Streamlines for when you do implement a team
  • Doesn’t need extensive thought or effort because you’ve put in the effort once
  • Keeps your clients in check

Note: This is going to be different for everyone! I’m sharing common ones today because I talk to a majority of you and stalk your instagrams, but the first step to implementing systems is to identify the problem. 

Must have systems to scale your small business

Questions to consider:

  • Where are you repeating tasks?
  • Where do you feel you’re wasting your time?
  • Have you thought, “I swear i’ve done this before”

Systems to set up

Although all systems are automated by some degree, some do require a set up before you start using them. Either way, I’m breaking them into these two categories because there are some systems that can’t be done completely automated.

Automated systems are things that can be done completely on their own once you’ve set them up once.

Lead generation/contact form

The way people book a call with you should be completely automated. A visitor should go to your contact page, and be able to either book a call with you immediately by choosing a date on your calendar or by filling out a form. This automation eliminates the back and forth and allows you to schedule calls without being in front of your computer or on your phone (AKA booking clients while on vacay).

Recurring invoices

If you offer payment plans, which most people do, then you can easily set up recurring payments for clients. Using Quickbooks or Wave, you can set this up once for each client and then never worry about it again – go do it now!

Social media scheduling

Although this is something you’ll do more often, sitting down for an hour or two and writing out social media posts for 2-3 weeks in advance and then scheduling to post automatically is a HUGE time saver. No more, “oh no I forgot to post!”. For this, I suggest using

Also having some sort of templates and systems for blog posts, podcasts, etc. because these should be consistent every time as well. Setting up Canva templates, processes and routines can make scheduling this weekly content so easy!

On boarding/off boarding

Once someone becomes a client, your on/off-boarding is the same for everyone no matter what kind of business you have. Contract, invoice, questionnaires, etc. can all be automated if you just sit down and get it done first! I use Dubsado for all of my client material.


If you’re a creative or have worked with one, most of us have set packages that we offer to clients. This is because we know exactly what it is that you need! Put together set packages to offer clients so that you don’t waste time for each and every client.

Must have systems to scale your small business

July 8, 2020