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Easy and Approachable SEO with Julia Renee Consulting


If you have no idea where to even start with search engine optimization or you’re wondering WHY you even need SEO in the first place, this episode is for you! In today’s episode, you’ll hear my conversation with SEO and Pinterest Strategist, Julia of Julia Renee Consulting.

We chat about the importance of consistent content creation, why you absolutely need to have a website (because you never know when IG is going to crash… again) and how the riches are in the niches. Julia is a wealth of knowledge and I know you are going to love Julia’s simple and approachable way of targeting your ideal client through SEO.

You’ll Hear:

  • How a toxic manager inspired Julia to leave her job and start her SEO and Pinterest business.
  • Why having a slow-loading website will affect your bounce rate (and hamper your ability to rank higher in Google).
  • What you can expect when you hire an SEO Consultant to work on your website.
  • Why choosing only one or two general keywords to rank for is the best approach (because otherwise, you’ll confuse Google!)
  • The most eye-catching graphics you’ll want to create to get noticed on Pinterest.
  • Why every image on your website should have alt text (and how it helps your Pinterest rankings!)

Some Questions I ask Julia

  • Why is SEO so important?
  • For someone who is taking a more DIY approach to their website, what SEO techniques are the easiest to start with?
  • The online coaching and wellness spaces are a saturated market. How do you find the right keywords to try and rank for?
  • Blogging used to be super popular, but now it’s shifting to podcasting and video. Is it still important to have a blog on your website?
  • Is it better to link to Instagram posts from Pinterest, or to content that’s on your website?

My Favorite Takeaways:

  • The importance of having a website and being “searchable”. Yeah, you might have 10,000 followers on Instagram, but you don’t own any of that. Writing SEO-rich content for your website is one of the best ways to reach your ideal clients. When Julia was planning her wedding, she used Google (and Pinterest!) to locate her dream vendors, so it’s important to be ranked for what you want to be known for.
  • The riches really are in the niches (and Julia agrees!) If you want to rank in search engines, you have to get really specific. Instead of trying to rank for near-impossible keywords like “health coach”, get narrower. Maybe it’s “health coach for new moms” or “gut health coach for digestive problems.” 
  • Julie’s advice about blogging consistently, even just once per month, feels so achievable and attainable. Everyone can sit down for an hour a month and write a blog post. And a once per month frequency that remains consistent is far better than blogging once a week for a few months, only to stop for 8 months.
  • When you type in (whatever your website is, insert that there!), you can see how many pinners have pinned content from your website. As an example, check out mine here.
  • Backlinks are like feathers in your cap that will let Google know others are endorsing you. While there are shady strategies out there (don’t do those!), Julia suggests getting on podcasts, guest posting for sites in your niche, and obtaining media coverage.


“You have to show value before you can even think about getting hired for your services.”


Julia’s Website

Julia’s Instagram

Julia’s LinkedIn

Julia’s SEO Course

Julia’s SEO Guide for the Creative Small Business Owner

Julia’s Free SEO Cheat Sheet for Blog Posts

PageSpeed Insights


Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest Tool

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March 4, 2020