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Page by Page: How to Write Content for your Website



A website’s design is only as beautiful as it’s copy.

You can have the most beautiful website in the world, but if your copy doesn’t speak to your ideal client, is super vague or doesn’t take your visitor on a content filled journey of “OMG I NEED THEM IN MY LIFE” ‘s moments – your website doesn’t stand a chance.

If you’re thinking, ” Oh gosh, my copy”, don’t worry you’re not alone. Writing content is the most difficult task for most people when updating or creating their websites. Because of this, I’ve learned a lot about the best way to creating an outline for the copy of websites and the most impactful, efficient way to make an impact to your visitors. In this blog post, I’ll go page by page explaining what content should be on each page of your website.

Know your audience

First things first, before even writing any copy, you have to know who you are speaking to. If you haven’t created your ideal client, here is a free Ideal Client Workbook to help you identify who your ideal client is. By knowing who you ideal client is, you’re able to picture them in your mind while you’re writing the content.

About Page

Your about page is your chance to build trust with your new visitor, so you want to make sure you grab their attention and create a connection quick. This is your chance to show your understanding in their pain points and share your story and expertise on how you can help them.

Components to include in your about page:

  • Your story: Are you more likely to trust someone that has been in your position? Build a connection with your ideal client by sharing your story on how you got where you are now.
  • Your passion: Why are you so passionate about what you are doing? Show your authenticity and how excited you get about sharing your craft.
  • Fun Facts: This is an overlooked part of an about page, and could sometimes not be as important if you’re not a personal brand, but it’s a good extra to add in there. This is just another way to build a connection with your visitors, maybe you can bond over Sunday mimosas??
  • How you can help: You don’t have to have a full description of the services you offer, but a short excerpt that prompts them to the next page is great! Remember: it’s up to you to send your visitor on the path you want them to go.


After they’ve read all about you and built that connection with them, now is your chance to show how you can help them. A full services page is an absolute must. Don’t be afraid to write out in a lot of detail what’s included in your services. I’ve noticed that on this page, the more copy, the better.

Components to include in your services page:

  • Every package in detail: Whether you have one or five services, each one should be written out and explained in massive detail. By detail, I mean:
    • What’s included
    • The timeline
    • Investment
  • A call to action: If someone reads your packages and wants to start working with you ASAP, there should be a button right in front of them to do so. Whether it’s to book or fill out a form, there should be a few chances throughout the page for them to contact you (don’t want to miss an opportunity!).
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Compile a list of your most asked questions, and put them on here. This helps to answer any unanswered questions that someone might have, but also to reiterate that you understand what they need and will help them every step of the way.
  • Testimonials/portfolio: Testimonials convert, period. People are more likely to work with you if they see that others have had a pleasant experience working with you. When asking clients to fill out testimonials, try to encourage results-driven feedback, so that others can see how you’ll make an impact on them. Not every business needs a portfolio, but if you have a portfolio to show, this would be a good page to do it.


Your contact page should be only 1-2 clicks away at all times. What I mean is that your visitor shouldn’t have to go searching around for the best way to contact you. Add a link to your contact page on the main navigation and on the footer of each page. On top of that, there should be a “call to action” on each page that should direct the visitor to your contact page.

Components to include:

  • Hours of service: This isn’t totally necessary for everyone, but there are certain days or times you work or take phone calls, you should put your business hours on the contact page so no one is alarmed if you don’t answer immediately.
  • Contact form: The contact form should include specific questions that will help you understand the lead that is being submitted. This way, when you go to have the phone call, you know a little bit about them, what they’re looking for and their budget. Questions you could include in your contact form:
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Service they’re interested in
    • Ideal budget
    • Ideal start date
    • How they found you!
    • Instagram link
    • Website link (if applicable)

All of these help you to better understand the project, so you can best serve them and steer the conversation during your call.

These are the top three most common pages on a website (besides the home page which deserves it’s own blog post), so I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions about the content that’s on your site, don’t hesitate to ask! You can also follow me on Instagram where I’m always sharing tips on how to up-level your website.

Rooting for you, Olivia


January 28, 2019

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