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2021: Thoughts on the Year Ahea‪d‬


I think it’s safe to say that 2020 was a year no one was expecting. And while everyone has their qualms with last year and reasons to be excited for a quote-on-quote “fresh start”, this was a different new year than most. Typically, I’m super excited for a new year. After a few weeks off from the holidays, there’s nothing I love more than walking into my office with new projects and new goals.

This year was different. I planned differently. I started differently. I feel differently. And in the first episode of 2021, I’m sharing random thoughts on the new year, deep reflections from 2020 and manifestations I’m hoping to continue to work on.

Listen to the episode now:

The top lesson I learned in 2020:

When you raise your vibration by relinquishing control and knowing that what’s meant to be will be, you become a magnet for all of your desires.

While 2020 turned out different than many of us had thought, there was deep growth from hibernating and spending so much time alone.

For me, last year proved that the universe has a funny way of throwing you what you desire in the most unglamorous and unexpected ways and I can’t wait to share with you everything I learned and what I’m taking into the new year.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

January 13, 2021