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5 Steps to Build a Luxury Coaching Brand


It’s time to position yourself as the expert in your coaching niche.

A luxury coaching brand represents someone who’s positioned themselves as the expert in their coaching niche through intentionally shared knowledge, personal stories, and successful client transformations. They’ve set the standard for creating the real-deal, authentic luxury experience so clients consistently come back for more support while sharing the details with all their friends. 

It’s obvious they’re set apart from the rest.

Maybe you’re a spiritual coach, a gut-health expert, or a career coach feeling confident in your craft but still losing sleep over how to become that premium, luxury-level coach everyone talks about and gets referred to. 

As a specialized brand and website design studio for coaches and wellness entrepreneurs, we’ve helped hundreds of coaches build luxury brands charging multi 5-figure investments for programs while creating a ripple-effect impact through high-touch client experiences. 

In this blog post, we’re sharing the five steps our clients take to build a heightened online presence and luxury brand that positions them as THE sought-after coach in their niche. 

01. Understand Who You Serve

“Everything you do for your business revolves around your ideal client.”

This is our motto for anything related to branding. It truly is the foundation for your business. If you’re not exactly sure who your ideal client is, make this your first step!

Knowing your target audience allows you to speak directly to them, shows you where to invest your marketing efforts, and reveals essential details on how to connect through every Instagram, LinkedIn, podcast, and blog post. 

A luxury, well-designed, and high-converting coaching brand attracts the right people and repels the wrong people. A strategic brand is polarizing and positioned so well that it’s obvious who the services are for and who they aren’t. Everything in your brand experience including marketing, client experience, off-boarding, and everything in between is made specifically for your ideal client. Before you do anything else, get super clear on who you serve.

2. Messaging

There are a lot of people out there doing exactly what you’re doing. That’s why authentic, on-brand messaging is so essential in representing everything you do. 

Copywriting for all avenues of marketing should focus on telling your story honestly with the authentic intention to connect. This is vital in establishing the difference between a visitor who skims your site and a potential client who relates to what you’re offering and clicks that CTA. 

This might sound incredibly intimidating, but it’s also an exciting opportunity to think outside the box and position yourself uniquely in the market. Ask yourself these four important questions about messaging before establishing your goals: 

  • What’s my Why?
  • What are my core values, my client’s core values, and how do they align?
  • What’s my signature method?
  • How can I show up genuinely for my clients in a way that feels right to me too?

Write your answers down, see what themes surface as most important for you, and characterize your messaging around that. Asking yourself these questions and evaluating your business from an inside perspective will help connect your mission with your messaging and allow the resonance of your brand from all angles (marketing, website, branding, coaching) authentically.

3. Brand Visuals

It’s no secret that beautiful branding is the key to connecting with your ideal clients and positioning yourself as a luxury coaching brand. We would have put this first if it wasn’t so important to know your ideal client and services!

We are emotional consumers. When you can determine how you want your audience to feel through every touchpoint with your brand, you’ll be able to build an aligned foundation that connects with your ideal clients and aligns with your message. Landing on your website should always be a valuable sensory experience for your visitors. You can accomplish this through on-point visuals that really speak to the ambiance of what your ideal clients are wanting to feel (wide open spaces, artsy atmosphere, down-to-earth minimalism?). 

This is where art meets strategy. This is where we dive deep into your competitors, goals, market positioning, and target audience to translate your brand strategy into visuals that truly feel like home. Your brand visuals (logos, colors, fonts, photos, etc) evoke an emotional connection with your ideal clients by translating your messaging into beautiful visuals.

If your branding is all over the place, you’re not creating recognition or consistency, and you’re certainly not looking professional or connecting with your ideal clients. No matter your credentials, if your branding is below par, your clients will not pay premium prices or come back for more.

4. Website

Positioning yourself as the expert in your niche is easy when you actually are the expert! 

Here’s the thing — You could have the best marketing strategy in the world, but if your website doesn’t connect with your ideal clients, they will leave and work with your competitors. It’s as simple as that. Think of your website as your best salesperson, and anything short of that is creating a hole in your business that needs to be fixed.

Four common mistakes we see on coaching websites:

  • There’s no clear Call To Action (CTA)
  • There’s not enough information about you
  • It’s difficult to contact you
  • It takes too many clicks to get somewhere

The good news is, these all have an easy fix! Edit your web pages (specifically your homepage) to include more strategically-placed CTAs that speak directly to your ideal client. Clarify what you do, who you serve, and how people can work with you, then cut down on unnecessary pages or clicks that impact the usability of your site.

Next, make sure you’re offering consistent content of value! Start with writing blog posts at least twice a month and share any knowledge you might have that can give a “quick win” to potential clients. Share these through platforms like Pinterest, email, and your social networks to get more eyes on your content. 

Sharing social proof on your website to leverage you above your competitors and appeal to the ideal client is another highly effective way to stand out. Feature client testimonials (share those screenshots of direct praise from clients for your services!), videos, and any press you’ve been featured in. 

Download our free guide, 5 Must-Have Elements on Your Coaching Website, to make sure your website is converting!

5. Client Experience

Your client experience goes along with the programs you offer but is more about the actual process than what’s included in the program. 

“White glove” refers to the premium aspect of the luxury brand offering exclusive touchpoints clients won’t get in other programs and helps you stand out against competitors. You’ll want to infuse your brand into every single step a client is working with you. 

White-glove experience ideas: 

  • New client welcome box or card
  • Private Slack channel or Facebook group
  • Extra 1:1 call
  • In-person retreat
  • Wrap-up celebration box

At first, this might seem overwhelming, but if you know your ideal client, feel confident in your positioning and messaging and your brand and website visually showcase who you are, then integrating your brand with your client experience will be easy and exciting.

Now that we’ve shared our top strategies for positioning yourself as the expert in your luxury coaching niche, it actually sounds doable, right? 

At Current Design Studio, helping coaches like you stand out in their niche as a luxury coaching brand is what we do. Our dedicated team of industry-recognized leaders and creatives merge experience with expertise to build brands that channel the root essence of connection and spark a timeless evolution that’s always Current. 

We can help you elevate your coaching brand, inquire here to work with us.

November 6, 2020