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How to Build a Sales Page that Actually Sells


I’ve said it a million times before and I’ll say it again: your website should serve as your #1 salesperson. People buy into programs, products, and coaches every single day. If your clients aren’t knocking down your door and you’re falling short on your income goals, this episode is for you. I’m sharing how to create a high-converting sales page on your website, handle every objection, and how to structure it in a way that your offers actually sell.

The Good: My boyfriend and I live on a lake and it has been so nice here! This morning I meditated, went for a run in the woods, did an outdoor workout, and jumped into the water afterwards. It felt like the ideal morning.

The Bad: No bad this week.

The Woo-Woo: I am growing my own adaptogenic herbs and drinking an immunity elixir.

Don’t forget to share with me your good, bad, and woo-woo so I can celebrate your good, support you in your bad, and probably try your woo-woo!

How to Build a Sales Page that Actually Sells

Without strategy, design is just art. And I’m so excited to give you some tactical ideas for structuring your sales page. One of my clients followed this down to a T and did a 5-figure launch!

Landing pages vs. sales pages

A landing page typically promotes your email list or a freebie you’re offering. A sales page has one specific goal: convince people to buy. Your sales page should only be selling one thing – not all of your coaching packages, or all 3 of your programs and trainings. Narrow it down to one offer, with one specific call to action.

Whether you’re launching something once or twice a year or you have an evergreen product that’s generating passive income for you, a sales page is a great tool. 

Especially if a potential client is clicking over to your sales page from an Instagram ad or a pin on Pinterest or your profile link, they won’t be distracted by any other offers on your website.

Define your ideal client

If you’re creating a sales page for your group coaching program, get really nitty gritty: why does someone need your group coaching program?

Define who your ideal client is down to the words and phrases they use, and repeat this process for every offer you have on your website. This will make creating the copy a breeze, trust me. Some of your higher-ticket offers will attract a different audience vs. who you attract with your 1:1 coaching packages.

Sprinkle a few call to actions throughout your sales page – not 75,000

A call to action is super important, but don’t go overboard! Your ideal client will know where to go to book a call or make the purchase. This is one of the common mistakes I see people make, is they use too many call to action buttons on their sales pages.

Have a font hierarchy

There are readers who are skimmers, who will jump right to your headlines, and there are readers who will start at the top and work their way down.

For the skimmers, use attractive, bold, catchy fonts that will pull their eye in and give them the gist of your offer.

The readers who aren’t missing a beat and are reading the full sales page from top to bottom require strong supporting text under your main headlines.

The anatomy of a high-converting sales page

  1. Start with your program name, a tagline, and a large, catchy picture that embodies who your ideal client wants to be.
  1. Then provide a summary of the offer: who is it for, what are you going to get by making this investment, and what results can you expect? For example, “This is for women who are ready to stop playing small and step into the power of their business.”
  1. It’s super important for your ideal client to feel understood. Meet them where they are by describing where they are right now. When they read this, they should feel like you are reading their mind! “Are you feeling like you’re working super hard, but not making any progress in your business?”
  1. Pull them into their imagination, of where they could be if they went from their current pain point, to the results and transformation you offer in your program. Paint a picture for them of what their life could look like.
  1. Share the program outline down to the modules, weeks, or topics you’ll be covering. A mistake I see often is not enough clarity in the offer. Answer every possible question someone could have about your program so that if they do get on the phone with you, they’re already 85% convinced they’re going to buy anyway.
  1. A leveling up statement that inspires them to take action. Why do they need this and why now? 
  1. Next, share about you! It’s possible that someone landing on your sales page isn’t familiar with you. Why are you the best person to lead this experience? Hit home your story of transformation.
  1. A time-sensitive bonus that gives the client or customer added value. What would they be excited to get, in addition to your main offer? Maybe it’s an additional workbook, live training, or a bonus coaching call.
  1. Social proof galore! You always want to have testimonials on your sales page. People want to hear from others who bought from you, which arms them with the confidence that you’ve done this before, building trust.
  1. Answer every possible question or objection within an FAQ (frequently asked questions).
  1. Hit home why they need your offer now. Lay out payment plans, any discounts, and give them a call to action to join. Every call to action button should have the same outcome.

You could be the best marketer in the world, but if you don’t have all of these elements covered, your sales page will fall flat and you’ll be leaving money on the table.

Notable Quote:

“A sales page has one specific goal: convince people to buy.”

Links/Resources mentioned:

The Anatomy of a High-Converting Sales Page (Freebie)

Ideal Client Workbook

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June 19, 2020