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Opportunities Entrepreneurship Has Given Me



Entrepreneurs start their businesses or create their products because they felt like the world was missing something and they didn’t want to sit around and wait for someone else to do it. For me, being an entrepreneur has provided me with so much more than a business and as I prep for my 3 week trip to Asia (that never would have been possible without #beingmyownboss) I am reflecting on the opportunities this journey has provided for me.

Opportunity for Creativity

Although I absolutely loved my corporate job, I always felt a little creatively stunted and confined by my cubicle walls. I would take “creative walks” around the office building just to get into fresh air and stimulate my mind, yet there was still no room for new ideas. Now, i get to work with a variety of creative businesses that invite all levels of creativity that I have to offer. There are things that I never knew I could even do that i’ve discovered because of entrepreneurship.

From being surrounded by like-minded people and my creative clients, I’m constantly refreshed with new ideas and i’m so grateful for this opportunity each time it comes.

Opportunity of Purpose

My whole life I felt like I was searching for my purpose and up until I decided to start my business I didn’t know what that was. I constantly felt like I was wasting my time and would end my days not feeling fulfilled. I truly feel that i’ve found my purpose of helping people elevate their brands through design and creative strategy. There isn’t a day that I feel like i’ve wasted any time and i’m continuously satisfied of the impact i’m making in this world. Having a sense of place and truth is an underestimated feeling that is difficult to replace.

Opportunity for Freedom

Being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of responsibility. While creating your own schedule, making the important decisions and managing your time are all difficult things to do, they also come with one amazing thing – freedom.

Freedom to set your own schedule and fill your days with what you want to do and not be confined by the 9 to 5. Freedom to make the decisions for your business how you want without worrying about another person’s opinion. Freedom to go on vacation and see your family whenever/however long you want. For me, this is the biggest opportunity that entrepreneuship has given me. Confined by the 9 to 5, the feeling of wasting time completely consumed me. I worked many hours, unable to make it to happy hour with friends, go home (all the way to CT) as often as i’d like and experience this amazing city that I love so much.

Sometimes entrepreneurship can be difficult, but I think about all of the opportunities that it has provided for me and I am filled with gratitude – especially as I prepare for Asia! I’ll be sure to keep you updated on my trip, so make sure you subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media @oliviadesign_co!


March 26, 2018