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5 Signs It’s Time For a Rebrand


Hello, 2022. You showed up earlier than expected. We might not be ready for a new year, but like it or not, it’s here!! If you haven’t started laying the foundation for your 2022 business plans, the time is now. Ideally before January 1st, but if you’re reading this at any point through the year I think it’s just as valid & important to make sure you get realigned.

The new year (or a new quarter) gives us a fresh start. An excuse to take a break for the day to day work to focus on big picture items. For our agency, that means taking a step back to discuss & brainstorm the momentum of our business and get clear about the direction we’re taking it over the next twelve (or three) months. 

Our first step is making sure we are aligned with our brand & that our current branding reflects our goals, mission, personalities and attracts our ideal clients. Does your brand reflect the same for your business or is it time for a rebrand? Here are five signs that can help you determine if it’s time for a rebrand: 

Your current brand doesn’t represent your big vision //

Things change including your vision for your business. Your vision from day 1 is going to be different from your year 3 vision. If your vision has grown & developed and your current branding doesn’t represent this new, bigger vision, that’s a major sign. 

You’re not attracting aligned clients //

Who are you getting on discovery calls with? Are your clients willing to pay the prices you quote them? Are they easy to work with and appreciate the work you create? Ask yourself these questions and figure out if you’re serving the type of clientele you wish to be. Branding has SO much to do with the type of audience and clients you attract. 

Your business has become unfocused //

If you can’t describe your business in one sentence it’s time to realign your services, mission and branding. As entrepreneurs many of us have a ton of new ideas, new services and new projects in motion, but that can easily become overwhelming and therefore, overwhelming for the consumer. When we rebrand for our clients, we help get them refocused and work on a cohesive brand that allows them to have clear messaging and marketing. 

It doesn’t stand out against your competitors //

You know who your competitors are and you probably already know where you rank amongst them. If you don’t feel confident about this status, a rebrand can put you back on the map & allow you to stand out. 

You’re embarrassed to share or send people to your website //

IYKYK. Don’t let that cringy feeling keep you from getting incredible clients or customers. Your website is a representation of you and your gifts – you want it to shine! Let’s get you a brand and website you want to flaunt to everyone and their mother. 

We are an agency that believes in you and the impact you can make in this world. At Current Design Studio, we want to help you make that impact by crafting strategy driven and intentional brands! If these signs apply to you then check out our custom brand & website design services so you can scale your business and feel aligned with your work. 

December 20, 2021