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Non-Negotiable Boundaries to Set for Entrepreneurs


“Hello boundaries, it’s me Olivia, I know, I know it’s been awhile…”

I read a post recently that sparked an intrigue to evaluate my boundaries (or lack thereof)… and WOW. At the very least, I can say it was an eye opener. Do you ever struggle with setting boundaries? I know from speaking to members of my mastermind that having clear boundaries with clients, team members and even with ourselves can be difficult.

As unnatural as it is, sometime these boundaries are really necessary in order to create a highly productive schedule and scale your business.

Non-negotiable boundaries to set as an entrepreneur:

→ Doing a morning routine before answering any emails

→ Putting my phone away after I’m finished work

→ Doing more creative things outside of my business

→ Saying “no” when I actually don’t want to do something

→ Not feeling guilty when I don’t workout every day

→ Limiting the amount of clients we take on each month

→ Working on the weekends only when I want to

It’s also important to remember that everyone is different! These are boundaries I’ve had to set for myself in order to be the best version of myself, but yours might look a little different than mine – which is fine. I encourage you to implement boundaries that support the life and business you want to create. Check out more resources and community on my podcast, Behind the Design!

June 23, 2021

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