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An Inside Look at My Client Off Boarding Process (part 2)



Last week I shared an inside look at my client on-boarding process: this included a step by step overview of everything I do from inquiry to strategy to starting a project when taking on a new client.

You can read, An Inside Look at my Client On Boarding Process, to get the part 1 of this series!

Having this process is pertinent to the flow of my business but it doesn’t end when we’ve finished the project. So today, I’m sharing an inside look at my client off-boarding process.

Most of this process is behind the scenes, but keeps me organized in making sure I’m checking everything off of my list… let’s dive in!

Step 1: Final Payment

The Olivia Design & Co. off-boarding process begins when everything is finalized – the strategy, the logo and the website have all met and exceeded expectations and no adjustments need to be made.

When this is agreed upon by both myself and the client, I send the final invoice. Before I send any files or information over I send this, well, just in case.

I’ve never been burned (because the people I work with are AMAZING), but you never know and don’t want to risk it. Particularly if you’re a new business owner and are still a little iffy on your process and sending out invoices, this is really important to do before you hand all the goods over.

Step 2: Finalize all files & send

After the final invoice is sent, I start gathering all of the information and files to send that they’ll need to move forward with their business. This is so they don’t have to contact me every time they need a specific file type: they will already having everything packaged up and in their hands!

This includes:

  • Login Information (email marketing, website platform, etc.)
  • All logo and graphic files
  • Final marketing collateral designs

I make sure to label everything exactly what it is, i.e. “white logo transparent” and “primary logo full color”, so everyone knows it’s in there and what it is.

Step 3: Create & Send custom website training videos

For everything-website-design clients I create custom website training videos that are unique to their site.

The videos usually include:

  • Adding pictures
  • Editing text
  • Updating links
  • Creating a new page

I have found this to be SO HELPFUL for both myself and my clients because then they don’t need to come to me for every minor adjustment!

Step 4: Final Review

I have a final survey that I send out to every type of client I work with, and it’s just a series of quick questions that overview our work together.

The survey includes questions such as,

  • “Are you happy with your new brand identity?”
  • “How do you feel now that you have a new brand?”
  • “Is there anything you’d change about the process working with Olivia?”
  • A short testimonial

This survey helps me to work on the things that could have gone better and take pleasure in the things that went well. Usually when reading through the final review, I reflect with myself on how the project went and if I could work on anything going forward.

The survey is also created on Dubsado, my FAVORITE CRM system! Use code: oliviadesigncodubsado to get 20% off.

Step 5: Portfolio

Most of the clients I work with on design stay working with me for marketing (you can see my marketing services here) so we don’t completely part ways which is the best!

However, once the designing is all finished, I start working on the portfolio to put up on my website, share on social media and to post on Pinterest. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT BUSINESS OWNERS!

It doesn’t have to be just design work to have a portfolio, every time you work with a client your work should be exploded into the world.

Some examples:

  • Branding photographer – 10 picture gallery
  • Business consultant – Case study on how your processes changed a business in x amount of time
  • Health Coach – An in-depth testimonial

I love this part of my process because I love showing off my client’s amazing new business!

Step 6: Send Goodies

Investing in a new logo and website design is not the cheapest or easiest thing to do and I want my clients to know that I am super proud! It takes a lot of time, effort, strategy and commitment to really push forward and go for your dream.

Because I really immerse myself in each brand and get pretty personal with my clients (I come from a very big Italian family), I send each client a special personalized gift I know they’ll love.

Not only does this show you cherished their partnership, but that you fully support them! Starting a business is really scary and knowing that at least one person is behind you can make a big difference.

I hope this helps you in putting together your on and off boarding process for your business. If you have any questions – please don’t hesitate to reach out!


July 30, 2018