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My Favorite Management & Marketing Resources



Being a business owner doesn’t come with a handbook, a huge team and a set schedule; it comes with coffee shops, long days & A LOT of googling. Along my journey of starting Olivia Design & Company, i’ve learned a ton along the way, and i’m not one to keep it to myself.

Below are all resources that use EVERY SINGLE DAY that help me run my business successfully & keep my clients happy!

You can see a full list of my favorite resources here

Tailwind for Pinterest

Pinterest is often mistaken as a social media, but it’s actually a search engine that many people use. By adding your posts, pictures and products to Pinterest, it increases traffic to your website & increases your SEO… ummm win win win!

The best part about Tailwind is that you can join tribes that are targeted to your niche! You can post your pictures, blogs, services, email list, anything to these targeted tribes. How awesome is that!?

Since using Tailwind i’ve gotten clients from all over the world and traffic to my website has 3x!! I absolutely swear by this resources and would highly recommend to any business.

Grab your affiliate link by clicking on “Get HTML Code” –>


When you’re a small business owner, you start off doing everything on your own. Dubsado is an amazing way to keep track of your current clients, potential new clients, invoices, time, calendar and send forms/questionnaires ALL AUTOMATED!

I’ve booked clients without even talking to them thanks to Dubsado! It saves you time in the on-boarding, off-boarding and in between so you can get your work done quicker and keep your clients happier!

Start your free trail here

Social Media Content Planner

Planning out social media is a huge time saver & stress leaver and I swear by this content planner I made in Google Sheets. It helps to plan days, weeks and months in advanced, as well as,  keep track of your ideas.

Free download here

Accounting: Quickbooks

To keep track of all of my invoices, profit & loss I use Quickbooks. It’s only $17/month and I can easily send clients invoices, just as easily as they can pay them. It’s also a breeze when it comes to paying taxes! You can export your expense list and send it to your CPA and categorize everything that comes in and out.

Sign up here


For me, having everything on a written planner is a must. Anyone else!? This rifle paper company planner lays out the month in full and also has to do lists for each day. Not to mention it’s so beautiful!!

I hope these resources help you to run your business successfully. Some of these links are affiliate links, but i’ll only provide resources I love and believe in. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Get it here



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