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How Tailwind Doubled My Income in One Month



You’ve heard the buzz about Pinterest and how you should be using it for your business, but you’re not exactly how. Pinterest, really? I use Pinterest to find cute outfit inspirations and design my dream home, how can it help my business?

Well, let me tell you first hand that Pinterest DOES help your business and way more than you would think. Just a few months ago I was searching online for a tool to help schedule pins for my Pinterest account and I found Tailwind and that changed everything. Since using Tailwind my Pinterest profile sees 58,000 views/month, has gained 200+ followers and i’ve gotten clients from different countries and states, all from sitting behind my computer with minimal effort.

People often mistake Pinterest for another social media platform, however it is a search engine just like Google. Think about it, how many times do you type something in on Google, open another tab, and then search the exact same thing in Pinterest? Yeah, me too.

When I started thinking of Pinterest as a search engine, rather than a social media, it completely changed the game for me. Having an active, engaged Pinterest account brings up your SEO and blog traffic. Using the Tailwind App, you get to schedule posts in advance so you’re always on top of your pinning, a smart scheduler that pins the best times and analytics.

Get Tailwind Now” –>

Below are some tips on how to use Tailwind

Schedule in advance

Everything i’ve read suggested you should post to Pinterest at least 15-30 times a day, which seems like A LOT. Even as an avid pinner, to me I was a little overwhelmed when I read that number. With Tailwind however, you can schedule all of these pins in advance using their smart scheduler and the plug in that’s added to your browser.

I try to pin whenever I have time, but mostly i’ll just sit down for 30 minutes/week and pin to my boards. Scheduling in advance allows the pins to run themselves and gives you more time to pin the backdrop to your future kitchen.


Tribes are my absolute favorite asset about Tailwind. Tribes are targeted groups that pin basically all of the content that you want on your Pinterest. For example, creative business owners, solopreneurs, women in business, are all tribes that i’m a part of. Each member of the group can share up to 30 posts per month (or more if you upgrade!) to each tribe.

The benefit of this is that the content you’re creating is going to your exact target audience, which means that the blog posts you work so hard on actually get seen. WHAT!? Yeah, it’s pretty cool.

Join tribes that are specific to your niche and with not too many people. Depending on the level  of subscription you have, you can join a minimum of 5 tribes, so make sure they’re good ones!

Relevant boards

Relevant boards that support your blog or business niche is important. Just like a good website, you want to make sure that you gain a connection with your fellow pinners. Having at least 10-15 boards that you post at least once a day is what Tailwind recommends and I would too.

As you start pinning more, you’ll see what you gravitate to and can plan your boards accordingly.

So, how did Tailwind double my income in one month? Search Engine Optimization.

By religiously pinning 15-30 pins a day for a month straight, it brought my SEO up so much and increased the traffic to my website. Because of this, it brought more people to my website, they read my blog, saw my services & portfolio and wanted to work with me.

If you’re looking to grow your online business or blog, I would highly recommend taking Pinterest seriously and using Tailwind.

Get Tailwind Now” –>

Disclaimer: The links in this blog post are affiliate links. I would never provide information to you that I didn’t think you would find useful and all of this information is 100% accurate, coming straight from my heart.  


June 4, 2018